Why is it necessary to use a swaddle?
Babies have innate neurological reflex movements from birth, and the Moro reflex is strongest in the first few weeks after birth. Swaddling can be used as an aid to reduce the baby's startle response.
The Silent Kangaroo Swaddle can be used for up to 4 months, while the Butterfly Swaddle is only for 3 months. Does it mean the Butterfly Swaddle is less durable?
The age range of 0-3 months is a conservative estimate, but many customers have provided feedback that it can be used for up to 6 months. As the baby grows a bit older, it can also serve as a preventive measure against kicking off blankets.
If we use a swaddle, does the baby still need a blanket?
No, using a blanket can easily cover the baby's mouth and nose, posing a danger. Swaddling is safe and convenient. When the baby wears clothes inside and is covered with a swaddle, combined with the baby's naturally higher body temperature, the baby will not feel cold, and there is no need for an additional blanket.
Should I choose the Silent Kangaroo Swaddle or the Butterfly Swaddle?
Usually, the choice depends on the baby's needs and habits. We recommend both options. For convenient movement during the day, the Butterfly Swaddle with flexible cuffs can be used. For a more soothing wrap during the night, the Silent Kangaroo Swaddle is recommended.
Will the baby feel uncomfortable if the hands are not stretched straight in the Butterfly Swaddle?
The upward sleep position allows the baby to sleep more relaxed and deeply. The design of the sleeves prevents the baby from startling due to their own hand movements. At the same time, it allows the baby to touch their cheeks and suck on their hands, achieving a self-soothing effect.